
Child & Sibling Voice

Why Child Voice?

Children with developmental delay, difference, and disability have valuable voices that need to be listened to and respected. It is crucial to ensure they have access to the support, resources, and accommodations they need to express themselves and participate fully in all aspects of life alongside their peers, siblings, and family.

Children with developmental delay, difference, and disability communicate in many different ways, including gestures and sign language, spoken words, speech-generating devices, and writing and drawing.

We are calling on children with developmental delay, difference, and disability (with support from their siblings and families) to tell us in their own voice who they are and what makes their life great! It could be about the people, places, things, or activities they love most.

Children can use drawing or writing, take photos, or make a short video (up to 3 minutes).

You may already have something you want to share with us!

These will be displayed on our conference website, and on big screens at our conference.

Please click on the button below to complete your submission:

By making a submission, you agree to the following:

  • Every person in the photo has provided consent to be included AND/OR has had a carer or guardian provide consent on their behalf
  • Submission content will be stored permanently on Reimagine Australia’s server (You can request for your submission to be deleted following the conference via the submission form).
  • Submission content will be used for conference proceedings and may also be used for promotional purposes (on social media and websites). You can opt out of promotional use via the submission form.

Why Sibling Voice?

Siblings of children with developmental delay, difference, and disability have valuable voices that need to be listened to and respected. It is crucial to ensure they have access to the support, they need to express themselves in things that matter most to them.

All children communicate in many ways, including gestures and sign language, spoken words, speech-generating devices, and writing and drawing.

We are calling on siblings of children with developmental delay, difference, and disability (with support from their siblings and families) to tell us in their own voice who they are and what being a sibling means to them. It could be things they like to do, things they find fun or things they hope to change in the world.

Siblings can use drawing or writing, take photos, or make a short video (up to 3 minutes).

You may already have something you want to share with us!

These will be displayed on our conference website, and on big screens at our conference.

Please click on the button below to complete your submission:

By making a submission, you agree to the following:

  • Every person in the photo has provided consent to be included AND/OR has had a carer or guardian provide consent on their behalf
  • Submission content will be stored permanently on Reimagine Australia’s server (You can request for your submission to be deleted following the conference via the submission form).
  • Submission content will be used for conference proceedings and may also be used for promotional purposes (on social media and websites). You can opt out of promotional use via the submission form.



Early Bird Registration

Full Program Available
Friday 20 October

20-22 November